45 minute consult face to face appointment for new clients. You must advise if you have been experiencing covid symptoms, have been in contact with anyone with covid, or have travelled in the last 14 days and can change your booking to a phone or video call or change your appointment date. This appointment type is limited to 45 minutes and cannot be extended.....Helping you with past, present, future in love, money, career, relationships, spiritual direction and business guidance. For more about this type of appointment, please see
(If prepaid in full this is 220 AUD total appointment fee) or pay 115 deposit,
and a balance of 100 at your appt. Book your Predictive Reading and pay a deposit $115 to secure it. The $100balance is payable at your booking. 45 minutes. See for details, fees, what to bring and expect.
and a balance of 100 at your appt. Book your Predictive Reading and pay a deposit $115 to secure it. The $100balance is payable at your booking. 45 minutes. See for details, fees, what to bring and expect.
You must advise if you have been experiencing covid symptoms, have been in contact with anyone with covid, or if you have travelled and not returned a negative covid test within 72 hours prior to your appointment. You can change your booking to a phone or video call or change your appointment date. Helping you address issues in start ups, mergers, business reorienting, and issues surrounding your branding, logos, slogans, colours, mission, vision, ethics, and purpose of your business. Staff and executive recruitment, suppliers, clients, business systems. A follow up report, suggestions, and feedback is included after your booking.
You must advise if you have been experiencing covid symptoms, have been in contact with anyone with covid, or have travelled in the last 14 days and can change your booking to a phone or video call or change your appointment date. 45min in person consult For past, present, future in business, start ups, your career, corporate and executive group and staff dynamics. Everything from branding for sole traders to hiring your best staff and executives for good working and professional relationships ... and know what to avoid before that next board meeting, negotiation, or agm.
You must advise if you have been experiencing covid symptoms, have been in contact with anyone with covid, or if you have travelled and not returned a negative covid test within 72 hours prior to your appointment. You can change your booking to a phone or video call or change your appointment date. Helping you address issues in start ups, mergers, business reorienting, and issues surrounding your branding, logos, slogans, colours, mission, vision, ethics, and purpose of your business. Staff and executive recruitment, suppliers, clients, business systems. A follow up report, suggestions, and feedback is included after your booking.